

"Stationary or Moving While
 Hove-to?"By Zack Smith
October 2000 Latitude 38

.."While testing para-anchors on various vessels off the west coast, we've learned that all sailboats will begin sailing forward while in a hove to station--especially if they have too big a sail plan. If the wind is blowing hard enough, the boat may drift to leeward while still moving forward at about a knot. This is still considered safe as long as the boat doesn't start moving forward so quickly that the slapping action of the waves become a problem. The best way to prevent this from happening is to use a para-anchor, which slows the boat's forward progress and effectively keeps her in her own protective slick. I intentionally sail my vessel forward, because the drag from the para-anchor's canopy lets the boat stay in a hove to position without a bridle. As the sea's action increases to storm level or higher, I rig a pendant line to the anchor rode and form a bridle. I've also found that I must always consider the factors of balance--sail plan, rudder position, and length of the anchor rode--because together they dictate how comfortable it is to maintain a hove to position..."


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Fiorentino Boat Show & Seminar Schedule
Crossing With Oar Power

Articles: (Plus excerpts, & press releases)

Drag Tests Conducted with U.S. Alliance

On-The-Water Training  Videos

Drag Tests Conducted Aboard Wind Horse

What A Drag....Failed Series Drogue Test

Unsinkable Life Raft Tested in Rough Waters with Fiorentino Para Anchor

Knowing How to Use Your Para-Anchor Can
Save Your Life

More on Storm Tactics--Balance, Comfort

One More Round on The Drag Device Issue

Stationary or Moving While Hove-To

Storm Tactics Debate

First Educational Video For Para-Anchor

"The Para-Anchor Advantage"

Heaving-to: Safety Valve at Sea

                           - Coming Soon -



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